Wednesday, August 19, 2009

let read.. it's interesting(",)

‘’Of course religion is important. But i am a malay first before I become a muslim....’’
 First and foremost, when my lecturer give this topic, i think that, this topic is quite tough and need critical thinking. We request to change the topic, but after my lecturer said that, this is the time to us to think ‘out of the box’, have a sit, think and just write what is in our mind regarding this topic. I take that chalange.
I want to share the story of my live, in order to disscuss this topic. When I was young and a verry little girl, I was wondering, why my Beloved parent ask me to follow them perform solat, fasting (eventhought, sometime I just ‘pretanding’ fasting(“,)) , and so many more a good thing, that teached by my parent. Why I must do all the thing? I just follow and do it. To be honest, sometime I just feel lazy and bored doing the same thing day to day…
One day, when I am in standard two, my ustaz said that as a muslim we have to follow the Rukun Islam and Rukun Iman. So he teach us, what is the Rukun, that he had said earlier. I am not really understand the lesson, but in the same time I noticed that I’m also doing and practice what have been talked by the ustaz. Because im still little girl, I feel shy and frightend to ask my ustaz. Right after I’m going back to my home, I ask my father and mother about the thing that had been teach by my ustaz.
After take a deep breath, my father smile at me….and begin to clarify everything in simple and complete way. Of course I’m not fully understand it at that time, but… time move on… I’m getting understand it better. Now, Alhamdulillah.. it is very clear and I don’t have to wait of any order to perform my responsibalities as a person who belive in heart, say with lidah and practice with amal about Islam.
The second thing that I would like to disscuss here is about race. Absolutely I am a malay and proud of it. Born in Malaysia, with the majorities and pior resident are malay is the advantages for me. Of course I have to admit, there is something special to malay that other races did not get it. But it is to balance due to the conquer of the other races, especially from the economic side.
Some malays may feel race come first than religion. Some malay never think of the issues, which come first, either religion or races. Sometime they just don’t care about it. It doesn’t important who you are, where did you came from, what are your status, what races you are and what ever question, it is not important if you are islam. Allah doesn’t look the wealth, the beauty, and the status. The most important is your iman toward Allah.
As a malay that live in Malaysia, the official religion is islam, I don’t think that the topic above is a major think that all of us discuss and think about it.
Malaysia is one of the unique and harmonies country. We live together in peace and harmonies, eventhough we have many religious and races such Islam, hindu, Kristian, and Melayu, chinese, indian and etc. But, nowsday,it is sad that, we start to hear and confront the issues of races.
Let me share one of the Quran Verse,
‘Allah mencipta kita dari lelaki dan perempuan, berbangsa-banga dan bersuku kaum supaya kita saling mengenal ‘ Al-hujurat:13.
With the Ayat, I can conclude that, everything from Allah is perfect. It’s up to us how to handle and manage it. As a Muslim

Thank you… by: king_smile

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