Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Position paper 2


“Of course religion is important. But I am a Malay first before I become a Muslim. Discuss"

Referring to the topic, it has showing about race is coming first in people life before religion and in other words, race is important than religion. So, let me describe briefly about the meaning of religion and race. According to Oxford Dictionary, religion is the belief in the existence of a god or gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of them. Meanwhile, race is one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences for example, Malay, Chinese and et cetera.

In my opinion, I have disagreed with that statement. It is because, as a Muslim we should realize that, after we were born in this world, automatically we become as a Muslim by fitrah. In addition, it also has been prove by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that, “Every people was born under the “Fitrah”, so their parents are the most responsible in order to mould them either to be Yahudi, Majusi and Nasrani. Meaning that, after we born and become as a Muslim, our parents will determine the race and if our parent is Malay automatically, we also become as Malay in Islam.

Next, nowadays we can see there is a Muslim in fitrah and after born they had become Malay but at the same time, they have not apply the way that Islam have teaching us to become as khalifah and servant of Allah by disobey the rule of Shari’ah. For example in Ramadhan, there is a “Malay Muslim” that do not fasting. As a Muslim, we realize that it is compulsory for us to have the fasting during that time. So, why that situation has happen? And have we tried to think and ponder how to solve that problem?

Then, after questioning a lot of thing, I have found that, it is not meaningful if someone does not practice the beautiful way that Islam have encourage us to apply it in our daily life. So, even the people always keep on saying that, they are Muslim and becoming Malay it is nothing and useless. In other words, why can we believe if someone that does not following the rule in Islam at the same time recognize that they are a Muslim. So, what purpose and situation they have realize it?

Lastly, I am strongly agreed that, become a Malay first before become Muslim is not important. It is because; Malay is the ethnicities that can be found in Malaysia country same as other races. At the same time, if someone did not practice what religion has taught them it means, they have no guideline that can be refer and automatically, it will harm them. In the other hand, even though they are Chinese with Buddhism or other than that, it is useless. In other words, they may create the increasing of other problem such as social ill and juvenile towards our own country.

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