Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TOPIC: Of course religion is important. But I am a Malay first before I become a Muslim.

Ili Kaiyisah binti Muhammad Kamal (0720266)
In Malaysia, the Malay population is defined by Article 160 of the Malaysian Constitution as someone born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Religion and culture are influencing each other because when an individual born to be Malay they are Muslim. Thus, religion the key point to make sure that someone in Malaysia is Malay or not. However, in my opinion all human being is a Muslim before they become what they are right now. Malay is just a concept which the society tend to different these people and I totally disagree with the topic above.

Moreover, the culture, norm and custom make them felt different than with each other. Malay society tends to get more influences to the custom itself rather to evaluate or to analysis from the l-Quran and As-Sunnah. For example, the custom which gives other perception about life and ignoring the Islamic view such as ‘Bomoh’, spiritual heals by using something that illogical or ‘syirik’. This concept however the trusted thing that most of the Malay tend to be influence and believe with it rather than seeking help from ‘Ulama’ or ‘Mufti’. As a Muslim we should not rely on something that is totally discourage or prohibited by Allah S.W.T because All the wrong and right already stated in the Quran.

Furthermore, adapting the culture is call ‘nature bound’ which influences the individual life same as Malay. Being born as Malay is continuing the legacy of the custom and norm not the legacy of the Islam itself. The reality is custom is much more important rather than the religion itself. For example, wedding ceremony when the ‘Mak Andam’ will make up the bride started 7pm until 8pm without anxious about Maghrib and isyak prayers. The bride also thinks it ok to skip prayers because of ‘darurat’.

In the nutshell, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W reported that Allah S.W.T said “I created my servants in the right religion but devil s made them go astray”. The prophet also said, “Each child is born in state of “Fitrah”, then his parent make them Jew, Christian or Zoroastrian. Thus, the fact is we are Muslim then we become Malay.


  1. actually you have idea.i like that hadith as dalil.fitrah.i x sempat put it in my writing.hehe.but it is good from u to say that race is no matter coz right after we born, we r innocent which is in fitrah...

  2. yeah, it is definitely happen in malays culture...go for make up and neglected the ISLAM COMMANDS, praying as the pillars of islam being set aside because of ADAT...
