Thursday, August 20, 2009

Malays proverbs or idioms like “takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia” or “adat di junjung, pemimpin di julang” it shows how Malays society proud of their customs as an important parts of their life, instead of their religion. In facts, SOME of Malays cultures and customs are not contradict to Islam. For example, respecting the elderly, how to treat the guests, and many more. Yes, it is undoubtedly that some people believe that Muslim MUST be Malay. It also clearly stated in the Federal constitution article 160(2) defined Malay as a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language , conforms to Malay custom and was born before Merdeka Day in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents who born in Federal or in Singapore after the Merdeka Day.
However, in my point of views, “I am Muslim first than Malay”. Why I wrote such statement? Hmm…it is because of many factors and the way I was being up-bringing. The first factor is because, I do not mind if what I do is not part of my custom as long as it is not contradicted to Islam. For example, I always asking (or might say arguing) with my grandmother about certain action she prohibited us(my sibling and I) to do - like sit at the door or stairs, cutting the nails during night, eat like chicken limp and heart, singing while cooking at the kitchen, do not going outside after Maghrib, and many more. I am always asking why I cannot do this and that because it is not stated in hadis or al-Quran that these acts (what I mentioned above) are prohibited. In Islam, it is allowed to eat heart and limp of animal that had been slaughtered well because in one versus of al- Quran stated that clearly that “only two types of blood is law full to eat which is not considered as najis which are limp and heart”. So I always argue with my granny about it and I will use all those knowledge to make me win. Sometimes, I think that all superstitious are ridiculous and rubbish because I can not think what are the significances to have all these superstitious. I still remember one incident that my dad wants to slaughter a chicken. At that time we were at my uncle’s house at somewhere village in Johor. At that particular time, some of my uncles and aunts are there together with my granny. I came to my dad and I said to him that I want to do the slaughter to the chicken. My dad asked me that can I do it (the slaughtering job). I said I can do it because I have learned it at religious school and I also have done a practical and my ustaz said I have passed it because I have followed all the rukn. However my granny saw that incident and she yelled at us(my dad and I). She said that women can not do that slaughtering job. So, I asked her, why women can not? Because what I learned it never stated that only men can do it. So I am asking and arguing with my granny about that matter. She said that women are not allowed to do it. She called me stubborn girl and always asking and arguing what elderly said (prohibited things). It happen when I was in forms three.
The second reason is because I’m not really practicing Malay lifestyle like it is must to eat rice everyday, eat with hands, sit “bersimpuh”, wearing sarong (kain batik), or others. I would like to bring a story about my friend name Lim. He is my friend who always about Islam and Malay. What are the differences? Why some Malay wearing tudung, some not? Why I always go for prayer? Why Malay does not eat pork and wine? Why some Malay does not perform their prayer? Why you believe The God that you can not see? He said, he have asked same questions for many his Malay friends but never got answers or else he will be scolded y them because asking such a sensitive issues. And he really glad because I answered all his questions and he satisfied with my answers. In fact, he said that how come I can seat with him during break time and eat together (of course he will not eat any non-halal foods because he respect me that I am Muslim not because I’m Malay). It is very rare if you can see that those typical Malay or I can say conservative Malay to eat together with fact, I go to my additional Mathematics teacher Mr. Ngoi Yoon Koy and my chemistry teacher Mr. Lim Hun Poh during Chinese New Years. In facts, both my teachers really care about us (my friends and I). Why I’m saying so, both my teachers really respect us as Muslim and they really care about the foods and drinks. They not give us beer or any non-halal foods to us because they will show us that the foods they provides have “Halal” from JAKIM. I think they respect us because we are Muslim and not because we are Malay. If they respect us because we are Malay than they will need to provides Malays foods and not dates or sweets and some nuts.
I would like to say that, I’m more proud when people recognize me as Muslim rather than Malay because as Muslim I need to follow the comprehensive guidelines that have been revealed to His messenger. In facts, when I realize I’m Muslim, I need to work hard and do something for Muslim out there. I can not become too rigid like certain type of Malay attitudes. I can compromise to any races as long as they respect me as Muslims. In facts, I can easily help people, not because of their races but because of their religious because all Muslims are siblings no matter who he is, or what his colour or even his races. If I’m Malay first, than it is hard for me to go to other races because I will become racism and always think about my races significant rather than their belief or religious.
I’m choosing Islam first because as a Muslim I have been taught to do what Muslim should do. For example, keeps on promise, be punctual, cleanliness as part of Iman, respect others even though he is kufr (as long as they not do something harmful to our religion or us). Why I said so, it is because; Malays attitudes towards other races are differ than Islam thoughts. How Malays practice on punctuality or time is differ to Islam thoughts. If Malays really practicing the Islamic thoughts, than they will not come late or there will not exist such a word like “biasala, janji Melayu”.
In a nutshell, I’m going to say that, out there, there may some Malays who used to make Islam complicated because of their perception that “Islam belong to Malays”. But I would like to correct that beliefs and that perception. Islam is for all, and not only for certain races. Do not make religious become hard just because you think it is hard. For example, we can wear any clothes or dress as long as it is covered your aurah. If wearing cheongsam can cover your aurah, than let it is. Do not judge others just because what they are wearing.
P/s: I’m sorry if my statement is too harsh to somebody, I just want to share what is my opinion


  1. i agree with Malay customs, there is too many 'pantang-larang' that we should follow even though it is sometimes so ridiculous..huhu... definitely, the statement that "Islam belongs to Malays" is not true..Islam is universal..:)

  2. perhaps,some people or i can say that, most malays thought that islam is for malays...for example, some people can not accept there are various mazhab in islam. some people may feel uncomfortable to talk, to sit or to eat a foods made by MUSLIM CHINESE because they are focus on CHINESE rather than MUSLIM...well, it is just an may see it, everywhere and anywhere...
    some people feel that, for women MUST wear telekung for solat, or WHITE TELEKUNG, in fact it is not compulsory in islam...
