Tuesday, August 18, 2009

siti hazirah hassan

Of course religion is important. But I am a Malay first before I become a Muslim.

Malay is one of races in Malaysia that have big number of people. They are majority in Malaysia. As Malay, I want to see my race success than other races even though we are Muslim. It is because even Malay and Malay also they are like to jealousy among them. How if Malay with other races with different religion? It is just same. If we are looking at races, we will keep on jealous and talking bad thing about each other. That is why Islam does not teach us by looking at people’s colour, wealth, education and so on. If all these things we are looking at, we will not unite as a big family as a Muslim.

Islam is a religion given by Allah. It is comprehensive. It includes all aspects of life from small things until big things. It is sacred religion. Allah has given us Al-Quran as guidance. We can refer to Al-Quran if we are confused about Islam. It is to show that Islam and Al-Quran cannot be separated. It will not change even 100 years later.

Muslim is not Malay only. They can be Chinese, Indian, African, Arabian and so on. It is show that Islam is wider. To show how important Islam is, Allah has stated in Al-Quran ayat Al-Imran and verse 85 ‘If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those whi have lost (all spiritual good).

Islam does not like their people to have bad impression towards other Muslims. It is in Hadith 35 from Abi Hurayrah: Rasulullah said that ‘Janganlah kamu berdengki-dengkian dan janganlah kamu bertipu-tipuan dan janganlah kamu berbelakang-belakangan dan janganlah setengah kamu menjual di atas penjualan setengah kamu dan jadilah hamba Allah bersaudara. Orang Islam bersaudara orang Islam, tiada boleh ia menganiayainya, dan tiada boleh membiarkannya (dalam kehinaannya), dan tiada boleh mendustainya dan tiada boleh menghinakannya. If we are not together as a Muslim, other religions will do something bad to make Muslims in all over the world do not have good relationship or fighting. For example in Malaysia, in political world, PAS and UMNO are fighting even they are Muslim. It is bad to Muslim world but for other religion it as good. It is because it is easy way for them to get and control on government. Another example if we are not together is, some of our members will convert to other religion if they do not have good iman and good relationship among Muslims. And they tend to have friends who do not have strong religious believe. There are examples why we cannot stress on Malay or on races only.

Besides that, if we stressed on Malay first than Muslim, we will not together as a big family. It is because Muslim is around the world not just Malay in Malaysia. Malay is just a race that will change accords to time and good culture no longer be followed by youth nowadays. Most of them are ignore about Islamic teaching. They tend to follow Western world. We can see in new era globalization, media plays important role in influence people. People can see, hear and follow what is media provide to us. For Muslim who follow the good things it is really good. But for Muslim who follow bad things it is too bad. They will follow new trend that are shown by media from Western world. For example, Malay girl’s who have been influenced by Western; she will follow what Western did. She will dress up sexy or not cover her aurah to show she is up to date. For those who follow Islamic teaching, he/she will not wear things contrary with Islamic teaching, because she/ he believed that whatever they wear will be counted by Allah. We must help people with bad attitude to make them become a good Muslim. We cannot just punish them with bad impression and bad words to them. They may need someone who can help them to the right path.

Media also one way that used by Western to influence Muslim to become like them and the way they want to destroy Muslim slowly start from education is school until food, dress up, life style and many more. In Hadith-5 (End of the World), Rasulullah said that Muslim will follow the life style of Jewish and Nasrani in aware or not aware. They are being cheated by the Jewish and Nasrani and most of them are reporters for that Jewish and Nasrani.

For the conclusion, as Muslim, we must not bias by looking at races only. We must look Muslim as one even though he/she has different in colour, age, education, wealth and so on. We must unite to help world and to help country like Palestine. If we Muslim do not help them, who will help them. We must be strong and have strength to fight with them even though in a blog or by using media. We cannot just be silent.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud:
“Barang siapa yang tidur dan tidak mengambil tahu tentang urusan orang-orang Islam, maka dia bukanlah dari golongan mereka (orang-orang Islam).”


  1. im nor hartini kaharudin...
    good for siti to attach the versus in her post.
    it can be ensure to all her points.

  2. i am agrre with hazirah.
    As a Muslim we have IMAN..
    Islam without Iman is like we are Munafiq.
    So dont ever judge a people only by it races or its culture. Sometimes we need to be together to build one nation which is ISLAM....
