Monday, October 5, 2009


“ Violence in the school is a result of differences outside school. We as counselor can’t do anything about it”. According to this statement, I do not agree because we as counselor are the most responsible person that work to enhance the capacity of schools and communities to address increasing concerns about violence in the school.
From my point of view, counselors have their ability who are certified and also who have the license. Thus, they are able to guide students and the whole school itself to become a safe place named school. In the other words, counselors are vital component to make school safe. Counselors are responsible in preventing undesirable incidents from occurring, intervening when the likelihood of such incidents is evidenced, and responding when such incidents happen. Therefore, I could say that counselors are seen as resources for prevention, intervention and crisis responses towards school violence.
What counselors can do to prevent violence in the school?. Actually, I think counselors have their roles not only towards their students, but also responsible to parents, teachers, school, school district and the community. Firstly, with students, counselors should provide group and individual counseling dealing with academic, career, personal, and social needs. Counselors also can coordinate mentor program to all students to assist with academic and peer concerns. Counselors are able to facilitate program such as conflict resolution, anger management and so on.
Besides that, regarding parents, counselors are responsible to provide resources and training on the disciplinary children. Thus, counselors may have a referral system for those who seek help with their children’s behavior. Through this way, I feel that counselors can address the whatsoever incidents that may occur violent in the school.
Last but not least, counselors can cooperate with the teachers and staff in assisting them with training needs in student behavior and discipline. In order to prevent and reduce violence in school, school counselors can coordinate a school-wide program that can promotes no tolerance for fighting, bullying, harassing, discriminating or other misbehaviors.
Besides that, with the community, I feel that counselors are responsible in educating public what is violence all about. Counselors can educate the community through the programs and create the policies to make them care and concern about their children behavior.
In conclusion, I could say that many individuals in school, school district, and community have roles to make school a safe place to live and study. Here I stand my point of view that counselors can do many things and also their responsibility to reduce and prevent violence in the school. Lastly, I can say that counselor as viewed as vital resources to tap into to prevent violent incidents from happening, to intervene when concerns arise that the potential for violence exists, and to respond when violence occurs.

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